Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What's going on over there?

Alright my husband deployed awhile ago, and finally made it to his COB where he'll be stationed. For the first couple days everything was normal we got to talk everyday bc he isn't allowed to leave the wire. So he had a schedule of how his day went. The last time I spoke to him he told me he'd get back on at his normal time and then he never did, and I haven't heard from him since then... The FRG sent out a mass email bc I guess a lot of the wives haven't heard from their husband either, and they told us it's bc they are busy... Which ok I know my husband may be busy, but the poor guy would rather talk to someone in his family then sleep or eat. Plus I don't believe that every husband would not get any chance to contact their family bc they are busy. So what could really be going on? Is there like a black out or did the company get into trouble and aren't allowed to use the MWR? I've never been through a deployment before but my husband's 1SG told me I'd get to talk to my husband everyday. So i'm confused as to why I haven't spoken to him in like a week. So if anyone has any idea I'd really like to know and if you have any idea how long this usually lasts would be great thanks!

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