Friday, August 12, 2011

What is life like at the FOBs in Kandahar province?

ours were well supplied(canadian) we even had a tim Horton's coffee shop. which our american friends love.

How do you make ragu napoli (i think that was the name)?

I saw an episode of a tv Program called two greedy Italians for a ragu napoli but didn't get all of the ingredients or cooking method . they put in lamb beef and italian sausage as well as basil onion and 3 tins of tomato's and wine can anyone help me out with cooking times and maybe even variations on the ingredients

Useful for a med school resume?

I have done Brazilian Jiu JItsu for about 3 years and have won many tournaments along with a little boxing. What i was wondering would putting this beef up my Med school resume? like would it show commitment?

I think I ate a bit of sand?

I went to the beach today and we had food. It was windy and there was sand EVERYWHERE. The bathrooms didnt have running water so I couldnt wash my hands before I ate burgers. They had a bit of sand on them but I still ate. Then later I felt sand on my lips and a very little bit in my mouth. Will I be okay? I won't like vomit or anything~?

Global warming reports, NOAA data, but wait?

yes, the warming has been happening for some time. we've been adding CO2 since the early 1800's. I do not understand 'all' underwater. If sea levels rise by 20 feet, coasts will change but I doubt that the world will be under water. The effect since the 1920 has been about 20 centimeter ( 5 inches) not enough to put a city under water..

What are some US states with cooler summers?

I'm from GA and I'm tired of the hot humid summers. I drove to Montana a couple of weeks ago with my girlfriend but there is not much here and we are having a hard time finding a house to rent. I do love the weather though and would like to find somewhere to look with similar cool weather but not such a big empty state. I have heard about California's cooler summers but it sounds pretty expensive to live there and Maine would be to far to drive right now. Any suggestions or smaller cities that might be what I'm looking for? I do like the cool windy weather and high elevation. Probably nowhere near GA or the southeast that have cool summers.

Anyone else recieve SSI Disability for their child and turn in MWR every month? Have you ever made to much?

My son receives SSI Disability benefits because he has a form of Austim and ADHD. Normally we turn in our monthly paystubs for them to determine how much he gets in the following months. This month however my husband gets a bonus that will put us over the income limit for a check from SSI. My fear is they will cut him off because we made to much in Dec and we will have to go through a long process to reinstate him. It isn't the lack of SSI check that scares me, its his medical coverage. I spoke with a rep from SSI this morning and she said it would cut off his check and medical but when we turned in January paystubs it would start again. I am worried about the length of the process. Anyone else have experience with this?